Nottinghamshire Counselling
Julie Archer BSc (Hons) MBACP
Tel. 07967 878 904
Email: juliecarcher@icloud.com.com
The Executive
Are you wanting to make changes to your life? Would you like to explore issues which are holding you back? Do you want to have a better understanding of yourself as a resource to deal with problems as they come up? If the answer is yes… talking to a professional counsellor may help.
So …what can I offer?
•Appointments to suit you, option of day time or evening
•No waiting list, you can be seen straight away
•Practising from Ravenshead. Easy to access by public transport or good carparking facilities.
•Option of short or long term work
I understand how big the initial step is to come forward for help. You can be assured of a warm response and we can discuss the options which are best for you. Take a look around the website and feel free to leave me a message. I will respond within 24 hours. I guarantee a confidential and discreet service.